Fleece AIT
My review of the fleece All-In-Two Fleece diaper from Naturals R Dino-Mite.
She has so many prints, colors, and materials available! 
One thing I love about AI2's is the option to reuse the cover even after the soaker is soiled. Which could lessen laundry and allow you to pack more efficiently for long trips. The outer cover is made up of tie dyed fleece, inner is made up of yellow wind pro fleece, and the snap in insert is made up of 1st layer- micro-fleece, 2nd and 3rd layer- zorb, 4th and 5th layer birds eye cotton, 6th layer is organic cotton fleece, and 7th layer is malden mills fleece. I found it easy to pre-rinse before washing, solids just fell off. Which is absolutely wonderful in the world of ease to cloth diapering. I did notice that I could not reuse the cover is she defecated in the diaper. Defecation will normally always find a way into fleece making it nearly impossible to reuse without washing again. I did find that I could also use my bamboo inserts with this cover, and they fit perfectly in it. the absorbency of the insert was great. I have a heavy wetter and was concerned that it was not as thick as some of my other diapers with double inserts. But the insert held out and was also very soft to the touch and I went several hours before changing.

Naturals R Dino-mite sells these diapers on their facebook page for 21.00 each. This is a little below average for the normal price of a All-In-Two with an insert. The stitching on this diaper was nearly unnoticeable, very cleanly sewn and cut. After a few washes now it has held unflawed by washing. 

I had no leaks with this cover, nor have I noticed wicking of any sort. The insert/soaker is not bulky yet very absorbent. I noticed it definitely helped draw the moisture away from my child's bottom.  :)

The cover fit wonderfully. Single row of snaps to adjust the waist. It also had crossover snaps so I could use it on a smaller child. I didn't have any problems with the snap in insert shifting or moving. The elastic used on gussets has plenty of elasticity and fits the curvature of her legs perfectly, as well did the insert/soaker.

The one flaw I found on this diaper was the kam snap used for the insert was not perfectly centered, but other than that such a great choice.

Overall Naturals R Dino-Mite has many different CUTE patterns and products for sale. Super absorbent inserts and effective covers/diapers. I would have to say this diaper is easily in my top 10 wahm brands.

Naturals R Dino-Mite
Lana Hixenbaugh
[email protected]
All my items are sold as second quality. I sell mama cloth, wool ai2 diapers and covers, fleece diaper covers and fleece a12 diapers 
A 15% discount to all that are referred from your page. 
I offer free usa shipping.

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    My name is Megan. I have a beautiful daughter named, Presaya Tamera Kay! I love reviewing products and giving my input on them and also posting current giveaways with mom related prizes!


    October 2013

